Membership is open to all Ethiopians and non-Ethiopians. There are five types of EEA membership.
- Full membership is open for those who hold a degree in Economics. Full members have the right to elect and be elected to the office of the Association.
- Associate membership:is open for those who hold at least a diploma in any other discipline. Associate members have the right to participate in the activities of the Association but shall not have the right to elect or be elected to the office of the Association.
- Institutional membership:is open to any institution who support the objectives of the Association. An institutional member has the right, through its representative to participate in the activities of the Association but shall not elect and be elected to the office of the Association.
- Student membership:Âis open for those who are attending school in the department of Economics in their respective Universities/Colleges in Ethiopia. Student member has the right to participate in the activities of the Association but shall not elect and be elected to the office of the Association.
- Honorary membership:Â is bestowed by the Association on individuals who have made a distinguished contribution to promote the objectives of the Association. Honorary members do not pay fees and have the right to receive all publications of the Association free of charge.
Membership Services
- To purchase publications of the Association at a discounted price (50%),
- Use/Borrow books from the EEA Library and access the free wireless connection
- participate and contribute at different discussions, conferences and workshops of the Association
- They have the duty of attending General Assemblies,
promoting the objectives of the Association and ÂPaying their fees regularly.
N.B. All the above types of Members have the right to purchase publications of the Association at a discounted price, use/borrow books from the EEA Library, and participate and contribute at different discussions, conferences and workshops of the Association. They have the duty of attending General Assemblies, promoting the objectives of the Association and paying their membership fees regularly.
Payment Detail​
Full Membership  Criteria: applicants should submit their first degree original and one copy for office purpose and Two photographs for membership ID. (Registration fee Birr 50.00 and Annual fee Birr 300.00)
AssociateÂMembership Criteria: applicants should submit a copy of their diploma, Degree and above and Two photographs for membership ID. (Registration fee Birr 25.00 and Annual fee Birr 150.00)
Institutional Membership (Registration fee Birr 500.00 and Annual fee Birr 5000.00)
Student Membership Criteria: applicants should submit Student ID of their University/ College and two photographs for membership ID. (Registration fee and Annual fee Birr 100.00)
1. Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Account Name:Â Ethiopian Economics Association
Bank:Â Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Branch:Â Arat Kilo
Acct No:Â 1000003788176
Address:Â Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2. Hibret Bank
Account Name:Â Ethiopian Economics Association
Bank:Â Hibret Bank
Branch:Â CMC
Acct No:1201810902812012
Address:Â Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Bank Address:Â Â P.O. Box: 19963: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Select Your Membership Levels
Full members are the decision-makers, contributing to leadership and policies.- Degree in Economics
- Participation in activities.​
- Right to elect and be elected.
- 50% discount on publications.
- EEA Library access.
- Online community participation.
- Access to data resources and discussions
Associate members contribute to the Association but cannot vote.- Diploma in any discipline
- Participation in activities.
- No right to elect or be elected.
- 50% discount on publications.
- Library access.
- Online community participation.
- Access to data resources and discussions
For students in Ethiopian universities/colleges studying economics.- Economics students
- Participation in activities.
- No right to elect or be elected.
- 50% discount on publications.
- Library access.
- Online community involvement.
- Access to educational data resources and discussions
Institutions support the EEA’s goals and join via representatives.- Open to supporting institutions
- Participate through a representative.
- No right to elect or be elected.
- 50% discount on publications.
- Library access.
- Online community access.
- Data and research tools.